For all Thai Buddhists,
Visakha Bucha Day is the most auspicious religious day for it celebrates the three anniversaries in the life of the Lord Buddha: birth, enlightenment, and death. To recall to the worship of the Lord Buddha, Buddhists have regarded Visakha Bucha Day as an important Buddhism Day which religious activities will be held. It is the date of birth of the Lord Buddha, the day that the Buddha achieved the ultimate of enlightenment, the same day that he freed himself to the cycle of death and reached to the mortal.

In this day, the common activity is merit making. People offer a food to the monks in the morning, go to the temple to listen to the sermon and set birds and fishes free. In the evening, Buddhists will go to the temple again to walk clockwise around the hall with the candle lit in their hand. All in all, the Visakha Bucha Day is like the day that wants to purify us from any desires and lead lives peacefully. The point is that it is not only this day but we should act ourselves tranquilly everyday instead.